Friday, November 29, 2013

Brussel 'em or hate 'em?

So, are y'all as stuffed as I am from Thanksgiving yesterday?  Ugh...I ate so much I practically needed to be rolled to the living room afterwards!  So bad, I know :( 

What did you fix for your dinner?  Do you eat the yummy meal at your home or go somewhere?  Ours was a small affair of my hubs and kiddos.  Our family is long distance, so we spend the day enjoying our own company. 

Yesterday I made a new side dish.  Brussel Sprouts.  I, personally, love them, but I know a lot of people don't.  It's really a love or hate thing.  I grew up eating vegetables all the time (sometimes we would have vegetables and no meat for a meal).  So I like just about everything.  My hubs' version of vegetables comes in the form of salsa....that's about it.  So, unfortunately having a wide variety of veggies on our menus isn't something I do often.  But, I wanted something that wasn't white or yellow (turkey, potatoes, mac & cheese) on our Thanksgiving menu.  And add bacon to anything and it instantly becomes something magical!

And you know what?  Everyone loved them!  Yay for more veggies (although, yes, I do realize that once I added the bacon all nutritional value probably flew out the window...but I still felt better).

Roasted Bacon Brussel Sprouts

1 lb brussel sprouts
1/3lb bacon
2 tbsp butter, melted

Clean and prep your brussel sprouts, cut off the ends and remove the outer leaves if necessary.
Chop your bacon and toss with salt and pepper in the brussel sprouts.  You will then pour your melted butter over the sprouts and toss until all are coated.  An easy way to melt the butter is to put it in the roasting pan in the oven at 350F to melt while you are prepping the brussel sprouts.  Then just pour the bacon and brussel sprouts into the pan with the butter and mix.
Roast the baby cabbages in the oven at 400F until the brussel sprouts are roasted and bacon is cooked (my bacon didn't get super crisp...if you wanted it crispy you could pre-cook it for a few minutes before added to the sprouts).
These have to be one of our favorite side dishes now and were the first thing to be finished!  Try them, even if you've never cared for brussel sprouts...I promise, bacon makes everything better!
Happily Homemade

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