Sunday, January 5, 2014

Apple Churro Dumplings

I love to buy lots of produce when it's in season and on sale.  So when I saw apples at 3lbs for $0.99, I snatched up a ton!  Of course my only dilemma is how to use them.  Granted, we eat a lot of them just the way they are, but sometimes I want to do something extra special.  Here is where the Apple Churro Dumplings come in. 

If you've ever been to Mexico, you know they have the most amazing churros!  And you can buy a bag of 6-8 for a dollar from a street vendor!  mmmmm...seriously, they are delicious!  Nothing like those 2ft long "churros" they sell here in the states...YUCK!  So, I have been on a mission for years to figure out how to make these street churros.  And, I did!  Finally!  And I've gained about 60lbs! HA Just kidding, but honestly I could if left alone long enough!

What does this have to do with the apples?  Well, I had the idea to chop some apple and add it to the churro dough and make some apple churros.  I got lazy and instead of piping them to make stick shaped churros, I just "dumped" the dough by spoonfuls into the oil...resulting in the "dumpling".  And, wow, they are delicious!!!  Like a fried apple donut!  Excuse me as I wipe the drool...

Apple Churro Dumplings

1 apple, peeled and diced into tiny pieces
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
3 tbsp butter
2 tsp sugar
1/3 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
Oil for frying

  *For dusting once the churros are done.*

Go ahead and put your oil in a pan to heat while you are making the dough.  I put a couple inches worth in a large caldero and turn the heat on med to med-high.  You want it to be about 350 F.

Gather all your ingredients.  I recommend measuring everything out and having it ready so you can be quick getting it mixed.  You will want to peel and chop an apple (yes, this was one large apple!).  Make sure to dice into tiny pieces since the dumplings won't be huge.  You want lots of little chunks in each dumpling. 
Add the milk, water, butter, salt, and sugar to a pot and bring to a boil.  Watch carefully!  Once it gets foamy like the second pic, it will boil shortly after.  For those who don't know, milk doesn't boil like water, with lots of rises!  Once you see the milk starting to rise in the pot, immediately remove from the heat and stir.  It will go down.  Don't ignore it!!  Or you will have a gigantic milky mess all over your stove (don't ask how I know!).
Once you remove the milk from the heat, immediately add the flour, vanilla, and apples.  Mix VERY well.  It will be hard...use those arm muscles (it is January right...we all made fitness resolutions, yes?  Here's your exercise to burn off all the churro calories.  You can thank me later).  Make sure you mix the dough well so as to no have any flour lumps.
Hopefully, you have been heating your oil in another pan while making the churro dough.  I used a tablespoon and just dropped spoonfuls into the oil.  Your oil should be around 350F.  If it's too hot it will burn the outside and not cook the inside.  Drop a small piece into the oil and test it to see if it's hot enough or too hot.  If too hot, remove from heat for a few minutes to cool some.  You will need to flip the churros during cooking and should fry them for a couple minutes on each side.  Once they are a deep golden brown and all the fry bubbles have slowed down a lot, they should be done.  Let them drain on paper towels for a few minutes (at this point you can open one to be sure they are done inside.).
Traditional churros are rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.  That's what I did with these also.  I think sprinkling some powdered sugar would be yummy too!  Or drizzling them with caramel sounds pretty darn divine! 
And there you have it!  Apple Churro Dumplings!!  Try to let them cool before scarfing them down!  Enjoy!
Happily Homemade

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